What is digital legacy, why is it important?


Generally, when our loved one dies, his/her belongings are taken care of. It's important to handle digital content as well as other content.

However, this would not be possible without the data we collected after our death, such as photos, recordings, documents, journals, calendars, our passwords, or our biometric passwords.


Many of us may not have thought about this. For example, after your death, you may have already nominated someone who will have the right to your property. This is the practice in banking and real estate.

But In today's world, your data is your asset. Giving your digital property to another person in this way is known as a digital legacy. This process is now being facilitated by the many companies concerned to transfer the legacy in the form of digital legacy.

Recently, Apple has also started the facility of taking digital legacy. Apple has a newly introduced 'Legacy Contact' feature in the latest update of iOS i.e. Version 15.2.

Under this feature, the person in the user's legacy contact can access those data like messages, photos, notes, and other important data on the user's iPhone after his/her death.

Google has also introduced a similar feature for every user. However, this feature is not as specific as Apple. For every user of Google Accounts, there is an 'Inactive Account Manager feature.

And this feature allows users to deactivate their account if the account has not been used for a long time. Users will also be able to choose who else can access their account and their google data according to their wish.

In the case of Facebook, after the death of the user, the user's account is changed to another page which is called 'memorize', in which the profile is locked so that no one else can use it.

Otherwise, you can manage the settings by going to the settings of Facebook and asking the user to delete his account in advance in case of his death. Also, in case of his death, Facebook has made an arrangement to keep 'legacy contact'.

In the case of other social media like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, the account can be removed. But other users do not have access to those data.

Similarly, Microsoft has not done any work related to a digital legacy so far.


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